Borromini e Bernini. Sfida alla perfezione

by Giovanni Troilo

Vivi Biografilm con Giovanni Troilo


(Italy / 2023 / 102’)


The story of the architectural revolution of a solitary genius who changed the appearance of Rome forever through a personal challenge to conventions, with the humility to learn from the past in order to invent the future, with the courage to pursue an idea while paying the price to the end. Borromini's style is recognizable, eccentric, different: it exudes an austere spiritual authority. But this is also the story of the most famous artistic rivalry of all time, that between Borromini (1599-1667) and Bernini (1598-1680), and above all the story of Borromini's rivalry with himself: a genius so attached to his art that he turned it into a demon that devoured him, to the point of pushing him to choose death, in order to touch eternity.