
by Lola Arias

Beyond Fiction

Doc / Fiction, Italian Premiere, Second Film

(Germany, Argentina, Switzerland / 2024 / 82’)


Yoseli has a tattoo of the Eiffel Tower on her back and has always wanted to travel, but she was arrested at the airport for drug trafficking. Nacho is a trans man who was arrested for fraud and started a rock band in prison. Gentle or rough, blond or clean-shaven, cis or trans, long-term inmates or newly admitted: in this hybrid musical, the inmates of the Buenos Aires Women's Prison reenact their lives and, between reality and fantasy, imagine a possible future by dancing and singing.
Reas is a collective work that proposes a new look at prison. A film about community, about belonging, about those bonds that can keep love and hope alive in a place of violence and confinement.