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Bio to B Pitching Lab & Forum 2020

This year, because of the imposed social distancing, both Bio to B Pitching Lab and Bio to B Pitching Forum will take place online. Participation to Bio to B for the selected projects requires that the main team members of the project (director and / or producer are recommended) attend the pitching lab and of course the pitching forum which are scheduled from the 9th to the 13th of June. The pitching forum will be composed of a recorded presentation of the project and a 10 min. Q&A with invited project scouts and decision makers. Three awards of 1000€ will be assigned to the projects designated by an international jury which will be announced on the day of the pitching forum.


Pitching Lab

•       Preparation of your project presentation: – suggestions and advice on how to best present your project. How to identify the key points of a project, how not to overrun but engage in interesting dialogues with other team members and develop a relationship between the film material and the video presentation. This activity is mandatory and is reserved for the representatives of the selected projects, it will be held between the 9th and the 11th of June 2020.
The activities include: a plenary session on pitching with all the selected teams, group work (4-5 projects per group) on the presentation of each project, an open clinic for questions regarding the project, a final rehearsal of the recorded pitches.

Pitching Forum

•       All teams will have the possibility of presenting their proposals, both the early stage development and rough cut projects. The recorded pitch should consist of a teaser for the projects in development (not longer than 3’) and a 8-10’ clip of film material for the projects at a rough cut stage. Then it should also have a presentation of the project and the key professionals involved and whatever is needed to present the project (directors notes, production structure, motivations, etc.). The teams in early development will have the possibility of recording a 7’ pitch, while the projects at the rough cut stage will have a max. of 15’. All the video material must have English subtitles and all the presentations will be made in English.  The Bio to B pitching forum will take place on the 12th and 13th of June 2020.

•       One-to-one e-meetings - There will be an opportunity to discuss projects in more depth on a one-to-one level between pitch teams and industry guests. E meetings will be organized by the Bio to B staff and will take place on the afternoon of the 13th.

•       Award Ceremony - The three prizes will be awarded by the international jury. This event will be held on the 15th of June 2020, during the award ceremony of the Biografilm festival.

NB. All pitches must be made in English – it is the responsibility of those submitting the projects to ensure that they have a presenter of the pitch speaking in English and have English subtitles on their recorded material. Any support needed in this area will be the responsibility of those submitting the films.

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